Dangerous level of pollution is an another classic case of our
ignorance towards our public resources. While
looking around your natural resources, its clearly visible that despite naming
them on God and worshipping them we are unable to save them from human wrath.
See our rivers, air and forest, we are brutally killing those resources.
Awareness toward our public duty come in two ways either an
educated society learn it, start respecting and feel obliged to have them (i.e.
clean environment, pure air and water) or government takes strict action to
make sure nobody dare to damage the resources. We have failed in both ways,
neither we did our duty nor government does. We never think what we are going
to give to our children a gas chamber, waste dump mountain!
Condition of India's planned city chandigarh
Our capital Delhi
Here I am not going to compare us with any country, because I
believe habit of staying clean and keeping clean our environment is not a
choice, its necessity.
International Shame
Despite being one of largest economy in world, we don’t
have waste management system. Waste can be seen lying on roads and societies
even in metro cities like Delhi, Gurgaon lets even don’t talk about small
cities or villages. In Small cities waste are being dumped nearby field in open
area. This waste is made of plastic items so this will remain there forever.
This is disheartening that government cry about people support every time these
things come into news. It’s not people responsibility how waste should be managing.
Why can’t ban polythene forever and effectively. See how we didn’t feel ashamed about these
pictures! And we don’t ask any question from elected representative
Survey has shown an average person roaming around Delhi for
day, inhale smoke equivalent 50 cigarettes. Condition in other cities like
Patna, Varanasi is the same as well. This frustrate us, fills with anger. It
ought to be. Our children, parents
coughing to the death slowly. But next time when election will come around, we will forget these important things and vote on other trivial issues like religion,
caste. That’s why political system never understands their real duties. And it became
void in India. We are so ignorant that the river which we call Ganga Maiya
converted into drainage and still no outrage.
We are paying to breathe, to drink in form of Air purifier,
water purifier. Then what’s use of government if they can’t provide us clean air and
water, let’s not talk about health, education and house. We have failed as
people and as state as well.
Look at our holiest rivers
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अब आप समझ सकते हैं कि प्रदूषण की समस्या को लेकर हम, मीडिया और सरकार कितने गंभीर हैं।कितना हास्यास्पद है कि दो चार दिन जब तक smog रहा तब तक कितना हो हल्ला हुआ।अब सब कुछ सामान्य है।smog को लेकर सीना पीटने वाले अब अगले साल आयेंगे।